Sunday, October 26, 2008

New boy?

Ok so well, i had a few frenchies vying for my affections this last week, and well i met up with one of them last night... and i think there's definite possibilities... OK i MIGHT have scared him saying all sorts of personal stuff like how i feel like running away from him, and how i find being with him weird etc... bt i want those things to be out there. If he thinks i'm too much to handle, it's his loss!
I really like talking to him, being close to him, being held and kissed by him. I don't know how this'll progress. But this time, it's not a pretty boy who i only want one thing with.. It's a smart, funny, tender and charismatic man!
Oh well, maybe i'm getting ahead of it all. But then again, i sent him a text saying get in touch if ur up for some more weirdness... And he sed that he's pretty confident that he is! :D
I'm happy.. In a way that's very strange... Though it shudn't be.
Ahhh we'll see.. i gotta get this silly grin off my face! :D

A bientôt


uhu said...

all the best... sounds like adventure awaits!! :)

Dee said...

tres bien! :) Take things slow.

Btw between you and me, it's from Dilly's. :D

lucky_me said...

uhu: Yea it'll definitely be an adventure.. And i think i'm finally ready for it :)
DeeCee: i guessed it must b Dilly's, they're the only sure place to see stuff like that! ;)
And yea things will go très lentement.. It's been a while since i 'dated' a guy as opposed to well other things.

uhu said...


Dee said...

btw dilly's upstairs ok. not the extremely expensive stuff down. :D this WAS a find i tell ya!

lucky_me said...

Aie! I won't have time to go around till this weekend. Hope there'll still b some left :S *crosses fingers*
I need some hot 'date' outfits ;)

Gehan said...

hahaha u kno, if u send a text to any guy askin him to 'get in touch if he's up for some more weirdness', they'll always say yes :D

sorry, am i killing it? :D hey he's smart, funny and charismatic! its good to hear some women still dig tat.....!

lucky_me said...

Yes u ARE killing it! He knew what kinda weirdness i meant! Gosh some ppl have such perverted imaginations! hehe