Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blind date

After a few months in the land like no other, and lots of complaining to my friends about the lack of man candy or any interesting man at all, I was convinced by a friend to go on a blind date with a guy she thought was 'suitable'. And of course I agreed, being a blind date virgin, but having heard about the concept. I thought that it'll be extremely funny and awkward, and would make a hilarious story to tell my friends!
BUT it didn't exactly follow that plan...
Of course when he came to pick me up at home, it was awkward... then the ride in the cab to the restaurant felt like a job interview, but only for a few minutes... It soon became an easy chat. He took me to a very nice restaurant i had been wanting to go, let me order my favorite wine, and talked about so many things that i've lost track of the exact subjects. And eventually, as the Rosé started to flow, we started talking about relationships, ex's, view on life, on society, on sex drugs and alcohol... It seemed so natural at the time that i shared my views and my experiences. But it's only in retrospect that i realise that i told this complete stranger very personal details about my life, that i only share with a handful of friends.

Now that it has been a few days since the 'date', i realise that i didn't flirt with him at all, i talked and talked and talked, and never made any conscious attempts to flirt and be coy... I don't this i even remember his face very well... all i remember is how well i was able to talk with him.

What is amazing, is that only a few weeks ago, i was telling a guy friend, how well i talk with him, and how sad it is that i seem to never find a guy i like who i can talk to in that very open way...
and then i go on a blind date with the perfect guy, but who i don't know if i can like because i've always thought that if you can talk well with a guy, that it's simply friendship...

On the other hand, i felt absolutely no 'like' for him, no chemistry... i don't want to slowly 'start' liking a guy. I want to like a guy IMMEDIATELY!!!!

I suppose that i should stop obsessing over this...

But i started reading the 'Secret' and i feel like if i really want him, i can get him... (well i knew that already, this makes it more possible!)

The thing is that, i dunno if i really want him!!! Oh god i suppose i should just let things fall into place like they always do...

A bientôt

1 comment:

The truth is in our Desire Body said...

enjoy your life.this is not your first either.Believe me eventually you will not find anything and always losing.Indulge till you are fed up.

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